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To browse Academia. Skip to main content. Log In Sign Up. Download Free PDF. Chuck Meide. Download PDF. A short summary of this paper. Having lost three ships to hurricane on his second voyage, Columbus�who had possessed the foresight to bring shipwrights with him to the settlement of Isabela�had the ton caravel Santa Cruz constructed from their broken timbers in the summer of But after their construction, there is little if any mention of New World shipbuilding for some time.

Though there are few references to it or its constructs, a burgeoning local shipbuilding industry was developing alongside this trade. Carabelas, caravelas, or caravels were small, fine-lined craft of Portuguese origin, built for seaworthiness rather than cargo capacity and much favored by mariners during the Age of Exploration Elbl and Phillips ; Smith ; Like all Spanish seagoing ships at this time, caravels were constructed by erecting pre-fabricated hull framing onto a keel, upon which flush, edge- joined carvel planking was nailed.

The first caravels were equipped with triangular or lateen sails and were known as caravelas latinas, though their rigs were often altered to display square sails on the main mast caravelas redondas so as to take advantage of following winds.

As Spanish maritime activity shifted from exploration to colonization, however, the numbers of caravels in the New World began to decline. Myers ; Clayton 90; Smith The nao was a well- defined type of early 16th century Iberian merchant ship, beamier than caravels and the preferred cargo carriers during the initial colonization period Smith 22; Smith et al Additionally, over time the hull shape and nomenclature changed, and by the close of the century there was no recognizable difference between a nao and galleon other than their intended function as a merchantman and warship respectively Myers Barcos colonial shipbuilding wood residence English, barkswhile sometimes used as a generic term for any small watercraft, were also a recognized class of single-masted, square-rigged colonial shipbuilding wood residence coastal fishing, commerce, or exploratory vessels Smith The smallest of these were barco longos, and had a single square sail and a low freeboard to facilitate rowing.

Larger versions known as barco gavarras had main- and foretopsails Manucy Drake used the term barks to describe the numerous small, ton coasting vessels he captured during his Pacific cruise Borah The barco illustrated by Smith 18 is basically double-ended; that is, its sternpost codaste is curved like its stem roda. Unfortunately, the lack of preserved hull remains precludes an identification of their type or if they were actually built in Latin America.

Two components in particular, mentioned in inventory records, were prefabricated rudders for the two bergantines. Descendants of the Mediterranean rowing galley galerathey were flat-bottomed, partially decked colonial shipbuilding wood residence propelled by both sail and oars Smith 24; Turner Turner 3 believes that those built for combat would have been double-ended de dos rodas for ease of landing troops and supplies and for rapidity of launching from shore.

Such versatile shallow-drafted galleys, colonial shipbuilding wood residence to operate independently of the wind, were perfect for military expeditions or explorations in coastal waters.

Initially bergantines were towed to the New World behind larger caravels and naos, but they soon came to be used independently for coastal reconnaissance Smith They also came to be built locally, often on the fringe of empire by sailor-soldier- carpenters turned impromptu shipwrights. He brought everything, even to the cauldrons for melting the pitch, and all the things that they had taken out of the ships, and transported them with the colonial shipbuilding wood residence of more than a thousand Indians, for all the towns of those provinces were enemies of the Mexicans, and at once gave men to carry the loads.

Bergantines were the preferred attack craft during the Carib wars. They were also extensively utilized�often in conjunction with deeper-drafted caravels�for exploratory missions during the expansion of colonial territory. On the other hand, bergantines were poorly-suited for trade or cargo-carrying. Its cargo of oranges could have been transported in a partially- or undecked vessel without sustaining water-damage like other commodities.

Usually this was through individual contracts between independent shipbuilders and private individuals, or government representatives. One example of such a contract was drawn up in Cuanavaca in New Spain in Navarrete et alas cited by Turner There was a hefty penalty to be paid of castellanos, or two-thirds of the total price, if Rodriguez could not deliver the ships by the agreed deadline.

One such edict was colonial shipbuilding wood residence by Carlos I indirecting colonial governors to encourage Native American cultivation of hemp and flax, which was necessary for making cordage Haring In general, the shipbuilding industry in the Caribbean was slower to develop than that on the Pacific coast.

This can probably be explained by the fact that there were frequently ships available for purchase in the Atlantic colonies which had made the cross- oceanic voyage from Spain, while in the Pacific all ships plying the coastal trade had to be built from scratch. It is likely that many of these shipyards relied on ecomienda-type Indian labor for much of the unskilled work, though the degree to which this was true especially in the smaller yards is not known.

Scheina has emphasized the role of massive Indian labor in the construction of early colonial ships. Typically Indians were used for burden-carrying, timber-hewing, and other manual labor, while peninsulares or criollos colonial shipbuilding wood residence the necessary skilled labor.

It certainly may be the case, however, that free Indian labor helped offset costs such as the importation of iron fasteners and fittings that were unavailable in the New World. Indians used as laborers for shipbuilding in early 16th century New Spain. Scheina plate 10 The use of African slaves also supplemented and in some places replaced Indian labor, though colonial shipbuilding wood residence the extent of their role in colonial shipbuilding is unclear.

It is known that in the province of San Salvador in the s officials requested African slaves for colonial shipbuilding wood residence other things shipbuilding and dock work Fiehrer In a Genovese bank firm was granted slave importation rights by the Crown in return for their guaranteed production of a set annual tonnage, though this system apparently had little success Haring ; Scheina After this period, however, focus shifted to the mainland, colonial shipbuilding wood residence ports such as Cartagena and Nombre colonial shipbuilding wood residence Dios, colonial shipbuilding wood residence especially to New Spain and its main port of Vera Cruz Parry This shift was also evident in the colonial shipbuilding industry, as it became more and more clear that the Empire was to be founded on Peruvian and Mexican silver output.

According to a letter from the Viceroy to the King they were designed to colonial shipbuilding wood residence men and four pieces of artillery Velasco to Felipe, 30 Septemberas cited in Priestly2: A fragata whose name is lost to history was also built in Veracruz, possibly in the same shipyard Scott-Ireton This suggests that the ship, which was quite old at the time of sinking, was built in Spain but subjected to a rebuild or substantial colonial shipbuilding wood residence in a New World shipyard, possibly Veracruz or�as is tentatively suggested by ballast stone analysis�Havana Smith et al 64, Essentially similar to transport naos, though more heavily armed, they constituted a new hull type designed for transatlantic speed, seaworthiness, cargo capacity, and defense Elbl and Philips ; Philips ; Philips ; Smith One of their most characteristic features was a strongly reinforced hull which allowed hard and continuous service on the open ocean, as well as for fighting as a ship of war Elbl and Philips This was especially true for those participating in the Carrera de colonial shipbuilding wood residence Indias, which were built with thicker hull members to withstand numerous transatlantic crossings and the more frequent careening required in tropical waters Serrano Mangas Galleons featured characteristic beaks below their bowsprits, a throwback to the ram of medieval war galleys.

The aftermost portion of the galleon hull, like those of caravels, ended in a square transom or flat stern, designed for speed.

Galleons also had increased length for speed, though compromises were made to allow for cargo capacity by retaining a somewhat wide hull. Thus the typical galleon might have a In contrast, the classic Mediterranean galley�designed solely for speed�might have a length to beam ratio as high as or Phillips a: It was this heavy armament, rather than size, that truly distinguished the galleon from similarly evolving merchant naos, and unarmed galleons were usually referred to by that.

True merchant naos were similar to galleons in most respects, and though they lacked heavy internal bracing, this might be added in order to re-classify one as a galleon Philips Accordingly, it should be understood that Spain did not use her transatlantic or Carrera de las Indias galleons as dedicated warships; their design was specialized to only a certain degree and allowed for versatility in function, so that these guardians of the merchant flotas were themselves colonial shipbuilding wood residence carriers.

Without exception, outgoing and incoming galleons carried both legal and illegal mercantile cargos Philips It is not clear if galleons were constructed in the New World for the Carrera de las Indias before the s, though, as demonstrated above, vessels known as galeones were built in New Spain as early as The galleon was designed with the particular features of the Atlantic passage in mind, colonial shipbuilding wood residence by the first decade of the 17th century an increasing number of galleons were designed and constructed on the far side of the Atlantic in the colonies themselves.

Philips b; a: The sheer view side profile of the larger ship features no superstructure in the bow or stern. The illustrated profile of the ton nao, on the other hand, displays a prominent beak, a low forecastle placed abaft the stem as well as a quarterdeck or raised superstructure in the stern. It thus resembles the low-slung crescent profile typical of the galleon, and may represent a small galleon or galeoncete.

The latter vessel also has a much greater length to beam ratio; it was undoubtedly a much faster vessel, probably used for patrolling or escort missions as opposed to cargo-carrying. The figures are not too dissimilar, though, to those that would be mandated in the, and regulations for similarly-sized ships plying the Indies trade see Table 1. The 0. The main-mast will be of the same magnitude as the keel, the main-yard twice the beam, and the fore- mast in proportion.

These are called fragatas [frigates], and most commonly, and properly, they do not, or ought not to, exceed fifty toneladas. Longitudinal or sheer profile is above note the flush profile or lack of raised superstructure ; below are hull sections at the bow, midships or master frame, and stern.

The dimensions of this ship are listed in Table 1. They are of colonial shipbuilding wood residence toneladas, and are called barcas del trato [trading-boats], and the masting is like that of the aforesaid fragatas. They are built with the floor a fourth of the widest beam, the depth a half, much sharpness in the stern and bow deadrising, and a good lateral resistance, because they always sail close- hauled, and thus, they sail well to the windward, though badly running before the wind.

Top: Longitudinal or sheer colonial shipbuilding wood residence compare with the fragata in Figure 4. Middle: Hull sections at the stern, midships or master frame, and bow. Bottom: Colonial shipbuilding wood residence view of lower deck note some of its labels are printed backwards.

The depth to breadth ratio 0. The barcas del trato are slightly deeper in relation Best Wood For Shipbuilding 80 to their width, displaying a 0. The floor to beam ratio of the barca del trato is virtually identical to that prescribed by the ordinances for ships in the Indies trade, a colonial shipbuilding wood residence of their shared goal of increased cargo capacity.

Design Contributions from Havana: the Galeoncete and Fragata Innovative designs were also coming out of Havana shipyards in the second half of the 16th colonial shipbuilding wood residence. While the oars�and vessel type�were eventually abandoned, the galleas was an important step in the evolution of the galleon. In the latter half of the s he constructed twelve of these which embodied a significantly lengthened keel in relation to beam.

Feet are standard English measure, or 0. The actual formulas, whose results do not always correspond well with the tonnage reported in the primary sources, are provided in Philips a: Note the Vizcaya tonel macho is a different measure than the tonelada, which was the standard tonnage unit used in the Indies trade in Seville and the New World.

The two reported tonnages for Atocha are based on discrepancies in different documents in the Archivo General de Indias. This was not uncommon, considering the two separate formulas could produce varying results for the same ship.

A memorandum dated 17 December provides the measurements of these vessels, which are referred to as galizabras AGI PR They had a keel to beam ratio of about 2. A Havana design which colonial shipbuilding wood residence prove of more lasting influence was the fragata. The most important of these various designs was the creation of maestre de campo Juan de Tejada during the final decade of the 16th century.


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Regardless, colonial shipbuilding, primarily in Havana astilleros, must have continued to provide an important supplement to the diminishing products of domestic yards and to an increasing number of foreign ships in the Carrera through the end of the 17th century. The second criteria is easy access to forests with wood suitable for. Welcome to Ships of Wood "Historic Maritime Re-creations: Services From Concept to Sea-trials and Beyond" Founded in to "define and preserve centuries old shipbuilding skills and attitudes." Allen C. Rawl, LLC offers services in shipbuilding, restoration, repair, surveys, consultation and . Jun 08, �� In the early nineteenth century Britain, its North American colonies, and the United States were the chief shipbuilding areas. Britain focused on large, high-quality vessels made from hardwoods, whereas yards in the northeast United States and British North America constructed less durable ships of .

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